
Can you use football boots for tennis?

Post Views: 3 Let’s be honest, football boots aren’t the most convenient or versatile footwear choice. Studded boots are pretty much reserved for playing football on grass and fancy dress parties. Football boots without studs offer a wider range of use, but even so, the way they are made limits their use to a certain amount of sports. But what about the summer game we all love; tennis?...[Read More]

The best football boots for goalkeepers

Post Views: 8 As a goalkeeper, your duties on the pitch vary greatly to that of outfield players. For the duration of most matches, you are going to use your hands much more than you will use your feet. However, there is still a huge need for keepers to wear good quality boots. Not convinced? Keep reading this article as we will explain why and tell you exactly which are the best football boots fo...[Read More]

5 reasons why you should buy a futsal to improve your football game

Post Views: 232 Futsal is taking the world by storm! And if you love football then it’s fairly likely that you’ll love its sister-sport futsal. There are many similarities between the football and futsal, but the main physical difference is that the balls used to play with are different. However, footballers listen up! Because there are a few things you can learn from using a futsal wh...[Read More]

7 Reasons why you should buy football boots online

Post Views: 382 Nowadays, the world is moving so quickly. Everything from grocery shopping to Pokemon is moving from reality to online in the magical world of the World Wide Web. There is no point trying to fight it, just sit back, accept and embrace it. Footy boots are no different, so here are 7 reasons why you should buy football boots online.  1. Buying online is cheaper Everybody is looking t...[Read More]

Football boots mistakes you won't want to make

Post Views: 74 Football games used to be slightly more intense. Tackles were life-threatening, broken legs were mere hindrances and if you didn’t have to pick a few studs out of your head after the game, you obviously weren’t trying hard enough. Nowadays, with sponsorship deals, Instagram accounts and general appearance to all think about, some matches are more like outdoor fashion shows. We get t...[Read More]

Are you guilty of these football boots mistakes?

Post Views: 70 The majority of us don’t have access to either an agent who can gift us the new £300 Nike Magistas quicker than Messi destroyed Arsenal’s Champions League hopes again this year, or that sort of money to spend. Therefore, maintaining the one pair of boots we have a season and keeping them in optimum condition to bang those goals in consistently on hungover Sunday mornings is vital. S...[Read More]

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