5 reasons why you should buy a futsal to improve your football game

5 ways buying a futsal will improve your football game

Futsal is taking the world by storm! And if you love football then it’s fairly likely that you’ll love its sister-sport futsal. There are many similarities between the football and futsal, but the main physical difference is that the balls used to play with are different.

However, footballers listen up! Because there are a few things you can learn from using a futsal which will definitely improve your football game and the way you play… And here is why.

5 ways buying a futsal will improve your football game

1. Futsals tend to be heavier than footballs

On average, futsals tend to be slightly heavier than the average football. This makes a lot of sense, as the game is played indoors on a drastically smaller pitch. With the heavier ball, it becomes more difficult to elevate a pass or shot, meaning there is less chance of the futsal going out of play or in the air. So arguably, the game is quicker and more enjoyable.

Footballers can use this to their advantage, as training with a futsal will improve your ground game. Heavier balls are tougher to simply kick away, and so more control, skill and precision will be needed to keep hold of the ball. Training with a futsal will help to improve this, and you will notice the difference when going back to regular footballs.

2. Futsals are smaller than footballs

In futsal, you use a size four ball. This obviously means that there is less there to kick, thus making it harder to shoot, pass and dribble. Alternatively, though, it also makes it more difficult to be tackled, and means that retain possession yourself is easier.

If you train with a futsal, you will become used to having to keep even tighter control of the ball, meaning when you go back to a larger ball, you will find it a lot easier. The same applies to defending; when you are trying to tackle an opponent who possesses a futsal you will need to be that little bit sharper to nick it off them.

3. Futsals tend to be cheaper than footballs

Now we’re not saying that futsals can be bought for pennies whilst footballs are made of gold. We are, however, saying that futsals do tend to be cheaper than footballs. So if you’re very tight on cash and want to save a few quid, then a futsal is a strong alternative to buying a football. 

So, if you are struggling to save up for that premium, elite football you wanted, maybe chose a futsal as a short-term alternative.

4. Futsals are more durable than footballs

This is an absolute fact. Futsal is a game primarily played indoors, whereas football is primarily played outdoors. As a result, footballs have to be softer and able to work with surfaces that can become absorbent. On the other hand, futsals are made to suit one type of ground; a hard surface. For this reason, they are made from stronger material and created with a sturdier structure, ensuring that they can tolerate the hard surface that they will be played on.

So, if you are tired of those classic, annoying Sondico footballs breaking after you kicked it softly twice, then maybe it is time to turn to a futsal. If you are one of these footballers who loves to walk out onto the street and have a kickabout with your mates, a futsal is a must!

5. Futsal is unique

Why be like every other person and play with a football? Well okay, do play football. Football is good. But there’s nothing wrong with being different and picking up a futsal once in a while and trying something different. I mean, it still is football really. It is not like we are telling you to take up rugby!

Which futsal should you buy to improve your football game?

We recommend buying the Mitre Tempest Futsal Indoor Training BallClick here to check the current low price on Amazon.co.uk

Mitre Tempest Futsal Indoor Training Ball

Mitre Tempest Futsal Indoor Training Ball

This Mitre Tempest futsal is bright orange so you’ll be sure to stand out whilst training. It’s also hand-stitched, which gives it that added finish. 

Using a futsal really will improve your football game tenfold. There is truly no downside to getting this cheap piece of equipment so there’s no excuses not to grab one of these beauties!


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